Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Karen Lawson, MD, ABIHM, an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota’s Family Medicine and Community Health, is Director of Integrative Health Coaching at the Center for Spirituality and Healing (www.csh.umn.edu). She is a physician, board-certified in both Family Medicine, and Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She was the 2003/5 President of the American Holistic Medical Association, and a founding Diplomat of the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. Non-medical trainings have included mind-body techniques (e.g. MBSR), yoga, dance/movement therapies, nutrition, homeopathy, and a 20-year study of shamanic practices. Dr. Lawson is active in undergraduate and graduate medical education; teaches in the Center’s graduate courses; and founded and directs the MA and graduate certificate programs in Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching. Karen is a co-founder and executive leader of the National Team for Standards, Certification & Research for Professional Health & Wellness Coaches (www.ncchwc.org )
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Why Motivational Interviewing: A Conversation with Jody Hereford
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Join Jody Hereford and Dr. Joel Kreisberg for a fascinating conversation on furthering the understanding of Motivational Interviewing and how it can effect change when combined with Health Coaching.
Jody found her passion when first introduced to health coaching and has deepened that passion through the practice of Motivational Interviewing. She’s been fortunate to learn and practice her passion within many roles and organizations. She is the Principal of Hereford Consulting Group. www.jodyhereford.comJody Hereford is a Registered Nurse, exercise physiologist and coach with a passion for creating health and care in individual lives, and within organizations and populations.
Jody is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and a Past President and Master Fellow of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). In her free time, Jody can be found exploring and enjoying the Colorado high country with her Golden Retriever Therapy Dog, Pearl.
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Who’s Stopping You (It’s an Inside Job) with Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, LCSW
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Based on the working title of her forthcoming book, Who’s Stopping You? – How Your Hidden Inner Selves Hijack Happiness and Sabotage Success – and How to Transform Them into Powerful Allies, in this conversation Bridgit focuses on those of us who work hard toward a goal and find ourselves inexplicitly stuck with the finish line in sight – what she likes to refer to as the final one-eighth of our journey. The first seven-eighths include everything that brought us to this moment of stuckness.
Examples of the first seven-eighths include discovering your passion but not knowing how to manifest it in the world; achieving, but not being able to maintain physical or emotional health; and saying goodbye, but being unsure of what to say hello to.
Tune into Bridgit’s passionate expertise on our relationships with our hidden inner selves!
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard is the founder of the New York City Inner Voice Dialogue Center and a Senior Practitioner and Professional Trainer of Voice Dialogue. She has presented to the Omega Institute, New York Open Center, NYU Behavioral Health Center, the NASW’s ‘Addiction Institute’ as well as ‘Social Work and the City: Building A Progressive Agenda and Striving for A Better Life for All New Yorkers,’ Columbia University School of Social Work Alumni Association and the NYC Chapter of the International Coach Federation. Bridgit has published numerous articles and specializes in creativity blocks and life transitions, in particular moving to the next level of success. Toward that end she is expanding her chapter in The Voice Dialogue Anthology into a book that focuses on people who work hard toward a goal and find themselves inexplicably (and intransigently) stuck in sight of the finish line. It’s currently titled, Who’s Stopping You? How Your Hidden Inner Selves Hijack Happiness and Sabotage Success—and How to Transform Them into Powerful Allies.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Under the Covers was born when Kent Frazier realized that the tune he’d been carrying for so long – his way of approaching music and life as “The Way of the Celebrated Cover Guy” – was no longer acceptable.
In Kent’s own words: “…my life as a musician playing other people’s music, my life as a leader evangelizing other people’s material, and my life in general wanting and needing the applause and approval of others to feel like I am enough no longer sounded good to me, and needed to be set free.”
Under the Covers extends the unnerving yet provocative invitation to men to find their precious notes, attempt to sing the song they’ve been avoiding, and uncover the essence of unnecessary suffering. In doing so, every man can begin to nurture “his self” with loving kindness, reveal his true nature and offer it to others as his own verse in the universal song of Life.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Using Coaching at End of Life: A Conversation with Dr. Don Eisenhauer, PCC
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Interview with Lois MacNaughton, BA, ACC
End-of-Life Coaching is a process of being with people who are dying and those who are grieving. This process recognizes the person who is dying or who is grieving as the expert of his/her life. An End-of-Life Coach is responsible for creating a ‘safe place’ in which the person feels free to share without self-censorship. The End-of-Life Coach asks powerful questions: questions that are born out of the coach’s deep listening. These questions invite the person to look within to find the answers that are already there yet have gone unacknowledged. Dr. Don Eisenhauer, PCC is here with Lois MacNaughton, BA, ACC to teach us more about these powerful questions.
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Coaching and Healing: A Conversation with the Authors
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Interviewed by Reggie Marra
Reggie Marra interviews his coauthors as they explore the connection between Coaching and Healing and lead us on what promises to be an informative, insightful and enlightening journey into the nature of healing and our own person healing narratives.
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Coaching Chronic Pain: A Conversation with Shelly Jackson, ACC
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Interviewed by Dr. Joel Kreisberg
More and more we are learning to manage our chronic pain with less medication. Shelly Jackson will share her experience coaching people with chronic pain in a conversation with Dr. Kreisberg and the coaching community.
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Poetry, Motion and the Art of Noticing with Janet E. Aalfs
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Interviewed By Reggie Marrra
Through movement meditation, spoken word, writing, and sharing our work, we encourage deepening into the next level of healing practice, and of freedom.
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Interviewed by Dr. Joel Kreisberg
Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD, the CEO and Program Director of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, discusses with Dr. Kreisberg the emerging working relationship between health coaches and Functional Medicine practitioners.
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Heart Based Business Transformation with Leslie Nipps
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Interviewed by Dr. Joel Kreisberg
In Leslie’s search for guidance when she founded her change work practice in 2008, she discovered a dizzying array of business growth offerings. Seeking to find “a better way,” she developed a method for working through business challenges while maintaining integrity.